Partonomy list P2, primary language: LA, subsidiary: FR, interface: EN, work in progress

divisio nervi cranialis

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Top level systema nervosum Short Extended
Current level divisio nervi cranialis Extended
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Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short French equivalent
divisio nervi cranialis
division des nerfs crâniens
5865 6367 Tax
nervi craniales (par)
nerfs crâniens (paire)
6368 Tax
nervus terminalis (par) ; nervus cranialis 0 (par)
nerf terminal (paire) ; nerf crânien 0 (paire)
76750 6369
ganglion terminale (par)
ganglion terminal (paire)
46787 6370 Tax
nervus olfactorius (par) ; nervus cranialis I (par)
nerf olfactif (paire) ; nerf crânien I (paire)
fila olfactoria
filaments olfactifs
50863 6372 Tax
nerf optique (paire) ; nerf crânien II (paire)
50864 6373 Tax
nerf oculomoteur (paire) ; nerf crânien III (paire)
50865 6377 Tax
nervus trochlearis (par) ; nervus cranialis IV (par)
nerf trochléaire (paire) ; nerf crânien IV (paire)
50866 6378 Tax
nerf trijumeau (paire); nerf crânien V (paire)
50867 6464 Tax
nervus abducens (par) ; nervus cranialis VI (par)
nerf abducens (paire) ; nerf crânien VI (paire)
50868 6465 Tax
nerf facial (paire) ; nerf crânien VII (paire)
50869 6487 Tax
nerf vestibulocochléaire (paire) ; nerf crânien VIII (paire)
50870 6501 Tax
nerf glossopharyngien (paire) ; nerf crânien IX (paire)
5731 6519 Tax
nerf vague (paire) ; nerf crânien X (paire)
6720 6550 Tax
nerf accessoire (paire) ; nerf crânien XI (paire)
50871 6557 Tax
nerf hypoglosse (paire) ; nerf crânien XII (paire)
17 lines
88.2 %
76.5 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
Although it was suggested that Cranial roots and Vagal communicating branches of the Nervus accessorius are uncommon (Lachman N, Acland RD, Rosse C 2002 Anatomical evidence for the absence of a morphologically distinct cranial root of the accessory nerve in man. Clin Anat 15:4-10; Ryan S, Blyth P, Duggan N, Wild M, Al-Ali S 2007 Is the cranial accessory nerve really a portion of the accessory nerve? Anat Sci Int 82:1-7), a recent microsurgical approach on 43 adult cadavers revealed that Cranial roots of the Accessory nerve exist in the majority of adult humans (Tubbs RS, Benninger B, Loukas M, Cohen Gadol AA 2014 Cranial roots of the accessory nerve exist in the majority of adult humans. Clin Anat 27:102-107).
Type of list P2
List Unit Identifier 8353
Sublist 1 6372 nervus opticus 32/11 on 20.4.2018
Sublist 2 6373 nervus occulomotorius 11/4 on 20.4.2018
Sublist 3 6378 nervus trigeminus 230/77 on 17.5.2018
Sublist 4 6465 nervus facialis 92/31 on 16.5.2018
Sublist 5 6487 nervus vestibulocochlearis 34/13 on 20.4.2018
Sublist 6 6501 nervus glossopharyngeus 35/12 on 20.4.2018
Sublist 7 6519 nervus vagus 59/20 on 20.4.2018
Sublist 8 6550 nervus accessorius 29/10 on 20.4.2018
Sublist 9 6557 nervus hypoglossus 11/4 on 4.6.2018
Subtotals subchildren 533 subunits 182
Proper children 28
Number of children 561 (validated)
Proper units 8
Number of units 190 (validated)
Invalid signature 4874 ( 24.6.2019)
Date: 31.05.2024